
~Life ~

we gaze at the mountains and day dream about our past & futures.

But we’re never really living in the moment.

What about right now ?

Why don’t we think about it ,

Smelling the vibrant flowers next to us.

Feeling the wind dance on your skin and through your hair.

Listening to the whispers of the trees and momma Gaia

Hearing the birds sing their songs

Watching the clouds as they drift away.

When we learn to be here Now… in the present life seems surreal

Life becomes blissful

Joy emerges from every corner

Then you realize is this happiness ?

Being in the moment.

Not worrying what has or will come

But just accepting life and its ups and downs

Moving forward with ever step

Good & bad

Your time is now , so use it wisely

Make mistakes

Grow.. be you 

& enjoy this thing we call life .