
Time And Trust

Tune: Rivaulx

(\'Father of heaven, whose love profound\')

Psalm 31 v.15-19


My times,  O Lord, are in your hand

You reign o\'er folk of every land

save me from hand of enemies

And persecutors, these my pleas


Make you face to shine upon me

For I here your servant still be

Save me for your sure mercies sake

So praises shall I to you make


Let me, O Lord, be not ashamed

But the wicked, let them be blamed

Let lying lips now silent be

Which have spoken false against me


O how great is your goodness, you

Have laid it up for fearers true

Who do fear you, you reverence

And do your keeping presence sense


Your goodness you have wrought for they

That trust you throughout night and day

Their witness, they in you do trust

Before mankind, though made from dust