Matthew Kx

Enchanted Radio

Clandestine lovers united under a painted sky
Bare their secrets hidden dark in the forest.
A feverish frenzy of bees suffocate an elderberry bush;
Acrobatic squirrels dance gray streaks through the treetops.

At the forest\'s edge, an abandoned kiosk.
A dichotomy of mirrors line it\'s inner walls,
Reflecting the chromatic sunlight of
Nature\'s vast eternity.

The lovers emerge from a copse of trees,
Adjusting their clothes, a amiable parody
Of cliched stories told in times
That mimic their own.

They exchange pithy, nervous comments,
Having escaped the jeopardy of exposure,
Genuine relief inhabiting their skin like desire,
Repressing their niggling fear of destiny.

Inside the kiosk,
Nestled in a trench dug out of time,
Rests an abandoned radio;
Dials cracked, wood stripped of life,
It\'s single speaker seeped in mildew.

But still it plays, a sporadic symphony
Of celestial music crackling with meaning,
Enchanted by the intake of breathe,
Of lips entwined, promises of eternity;
A prelude to what forever can never bring:
One moment, under the forest canopy,
Of perfection.