
Harry Shalgosky.

As I awoke into another fine day

A memory came to me.

I was taken back to that day,

That day when I started work,

Working as a humble Scientific Assistant

In the Atomic Energy Authority.

The man in charge was P.S.O,

Principal Scientific Officer,

Or to my mind, god.

Harry was his name,

Harry Shalgosky,

Mister Shalgosky to me.

A Strange name for a man,

A man with a broad Yorkshire accent,

But to that man I owe a great deal.

He was a gentleman,

He never told anyone to do something,

He always asked them,

With a please after his request.

I learned a great deal from that man

As it showed what respect can achieve.

And that way of getting things done,

Getting things done in my work

And in my life works so well.

We see it so rarely these days,

So thank you Harry,

For showing me the way,

The way into my long working life.