
Seeds Scene

Tune: Sandys

(\'Teach me, my God and King\')

Luke 8 v.4-15 parts


Lord, teach me, heart and mind

Humble may you me find

To sow your seed, your word, on ground

Which suitable be found


Though some seeds by way side

The devil does not hide

But like birds snatches seed away

No growth, progress today


And some seeds fell on rock

Such not last troubles, shock

But believe a while, but no roots

Produce, so no fine shoots


And seeds that fell midst thorns

When pleasures, riches dawn

And cares of this life, distracted

They bear poor fruit, \'tis said


But the seeds on good ground

Where honest, good heart found

Such having heard the word it keep

They rooted in soil deep


And they do good fruit bring

Forth, pleasing in each thing

With patience, e\'en to hundred fold

Or sixty [fold], thirty [fold] told