
I bade adieu to my love

 I bade adieu to my love
My heart couldn\'t take the pain,
My all I did give but all in vain

Being indifferent to solitude 
i couldn’t be so anymore
Decisions to rather lose it all than let him go
‘twas time to leave them behind
I stand with a heart so broken, 
Dread sitting heavily on my chest

Being indifferent to sheer delectation
i couldn’t be so anymore
Decisions to rather stay than let him go
Twas time to not settle for pleasure so temporal
 I stand with my intellect so feeble
All energy spent to tell my self to breath
since forgetting how to live

hunted by thoughts of him
Our story hunting me day and night
Remarkably forbearing at first glance
Undoubtedly loving and caring at first meet
Unfortunately turning wild soonest than I ever thought
attention and love then ebbing away
With no warning signs he receded from view
The air now feeling like sharp blades ripping my heart apart  
And there I stood facing a clown with my visage
The reality check needed,  to remember the good in goodbye