
Remember Me: Chris Watts

There is a man on the internet

Known as the inexplicable sociopath


Downright evil

His name is Chris Watts

He killed his family

All of them were female

I wonder if he would have had the same reaction

If he had had a husband

And two sons

No, instead he killed

His pregnant wife

And two daughters

One of the children

Looked him in the eyes

And he continued to suffocate her

Because the man that is the psychopath

Actually just felt trapped

And his mind told him

“This is what I have to do to protect myself”

Why did he have to kill two small children

And his wife who was carrying another precious human?

Because society told him so

Because society was whispering in his ear

Long and hard until there was nothing else to hear

“If she leaves you she’s gonna take everything from you.”

“She’s gonna make you look like a fool.”

“She’s gonna make you look like a pussy.”

“She’s gonna make your beloved children hate you.”

“She’s gonna marry someone richer than you and hold it over your head for the rest of your life.”

“Everyone in the neighborhood will talk about how she left you because you cheated on her with that slut.”

“Even your own parents will think that you’re a fucking idiot.”

“What is Nicole going to think of you if you’re pathetic and have no money to take her anywhere.”

“She’s gonna find a new guy and you’re gonna be stuck alone AND an idiot.”

“Pussy, you just have to do it, you just have to get out of this situation WHATEVER IT TAKES.”

That is why Chris Watts killed everyone

He did it to save himself

He was a drowning man

And there are no life rafts for drowning men

It is be laughed at while you drown

Because you weren’t fucking man enough to save yourself in the first place

That is society for ya

They’ll lock you in a dark room and make you believe it is YOU that is crazy

They’ll send wickedness to your doorstep and proclaim YOU the Devil

They don’t care and they care even less especially when you’re a man

Who can’t keep his women in control

That’s why my daddy preferred the belt

That’s why my daddy preferred to drug me

So that I would not wake up

Because hurting my mom just wasn’t enough

And sex with a child is the only thing worse than killing them

And trust me

I wanted him to kill me

I wanted him to suffocate me

In my bed

I would have loved to die the way CECE did

Because then I would have had a form of peace

Then I would have had a form of justice

Everyone would know that my dad wasn’t just a psychopath

He was a rapist

And to me

That is worse

I would rather be shot in the head, drowned, buried alive, ran over or bamboo tortured

Than live through one second of being raped and sodomized.

I will never understand anyone who protects rapists

I will never understand a society

That upholds rapist ideology

I will never see what is funny about an innocent being made into a target

For the FUN of it

Well I know deep down Chris didn’t mean it

He just wanted to get the hell out of his life

And he didn’t feel there was another way

When society already explained

Where the boxes were

And who was allowed to remain

I’ve never fit a box

Mostly because I believe they’re preposterous

Life is not decided by who lives and dies

Who rapes and who is raped

It is decided by the honor

Of those that suffer valiantly

Of those that suffer even when they know that no one will value them

They must value themselves

They must rely on their own compass to guide them out of the mire

And if society has a problem with that


Consider me anti-social

Consider me a fucking comm-ie

Consider me whatever the fuck you all can come up with together

While you laugh on your iPhones

About the dirty raped girl

That can’t even stand

It is not me

Who will be concerned over what comes of you and your children

It is society

That will kick you the fuck out

Once they are brought to their senses

About what you THOUGHT you could take from me

But what I have

Is what I give myself

I am NOT Chris Watts

Because I told society

Where the FUCK

It can take it’s goddamn box

Up the ass

Take a fucking left

And you might even find

Your goddamn brain stem.








That is all.



P.s. I’m going to the loony bin tomorrow for as long as I want because I am CRAZY and I’m also fucking starving and all I want is a goddamn pudding cup and some chicken nuggets. So fuck everybody and everything. Have fun wiping your shit eating grin as you see me still walking around and standing. I will never say die. Oh and remember, you are going to hell if you think that I am the perpetrator of all this madness. I hope you like burning forever you fucking white bread. Bye bitches. Fuck you never!!!!!