
Companionship !

Once more, I\'d like to dance through life together,
Spending the rest of the time I have left,
Holding a woman close in my arms, forever,
Being no longer alone, feeling bereft !

With our hearts waltzing side by side in dance,
Both enjoying whatever life has just proffered,
Not specifically for a loving romance,
Perhap\'s the friendship, that\'s maybe been offered.

To feel the milk of human kindness, plus,
Someone to talk with day to day, see,
By doing those little things that remind us,
The way things used to, and still could be.

If only there was someone, this loneliness could beat,
Maybe to go for walks, or on a holiday,
To make both our live\'s feel more complete,
Not for sex or lust, perhaps a cuddle though per se,

I know you probably think that I\'m telling Porkie\'s
That its just pleasure you\'re thinking I seek
But I tell you here, quite honestly, that my body cries,
My mind\'s perfectly willing, but my flesh is far too weak !