
Waiting Tables

Waiting Tables


He had to get away from her.

He had to leave this town.

He set sail for the open seas.

For days he sailed around

then tied up at an island pier

and headed into town.


That night in the Black Horse Bar

He was drinking heavy and alone 

nursing his poor broken heart

and playing sad songs on his phone.


If he said he hadn’t noticed her

You know he’d be a liar

The blonde haired girl 

with the dark blue eyes

waiting tables and flashing fire.


She brought him a shot of booze 

and a beer to chase his blues.


He asked her if she had a light 

and where he might stay the night?

She replied, a glint in her eyes

she had a place, she lived nearby..


He stayed until she finished up

she took him home in her pick-up truck

To her pretty place by the sea

He wondered how he had such luck?


She brought him a shot of booze 

and a beer to chase his blues.


They talked a while, she mostly did

about the man who’d let her down

about the ring he never gave

No wedding and no gown.


About leaving the island

to start anew on the mainland..

How she wished to be a movie star

or a singer in a country band.


So he brought her a shot of booze

and a beer to chase her blues.


As it got late, they both were drunk

and falling fast, couldn’t stay awake.

She had one bed and so they shared.

Good to know she was no fake.


Told her he’d been at sea a while 

and he missed a woman’s charms.

They kissed and that led somewhere else

until she slept in his arms.


In the morning he asked if she 

would sail with him, to the mainland coast

She said she couldn’t leave just then

money was what she needed most.


So, he brought her a shot of booze

and a beer to chase her blues.


It’s never the same 

the morning after

as it was the night before

when the blonde haired girl 

with the dark blue eyes

has a bottle for 

the money owed

sitting by her door.


And he thought…


“She brought me a shot of booze

and a beer to chase my blues.”