
Holy moly






…..Holy moly, Superman told me, they was gonna try and fold me, hold me and control me, on Krypton they was born into their jobs, you didn’t have to climb and go splatter from the corporate ladder, you was already there no matter your career even if you were there just hunting deer, whether it was clear or mire, you was tailored to be there no matter where; back on earth and on our own turf we had to hide like the Smurfs even if we had girth. They sat in thier pews and judged a man because of his hue and hairdo, although they are few, they stay up until the morning dew figuring how to screw you, lock us into a prism of athleticism while they build wealth from capitalism, destroy images like Shirley Chisholm while they hold, fold and control black men in American justice systems. But Superman stands for truth justice in the American way I’m surprised he had that much to say, every black man wish he could just fly away to planet black so we won’t get attacked or have to watch our backs, or hear any flak. We can hang our armor on a rack and re-learn how to act towards one another, without being undercover.  Then we can come back and hover until we pick up the rest of our brothers.