


As that sign at a demo said,

“the 21st century is like a Dickens’ novel”,

humanity makes a world, unfair,

for every mansion, there’s a hovel.


The same operating system,

stirs up the same mistakes,

such as an overconfident lad,

found drowned in a lake.


Levels between utility and wage,

are not harmoniously spread,

it would seem that those in charge,

want to see us all dead.


A question, I will ask you,

aren’t you fed up of being left behind?

because; if you are my friend,

don’t fear change, stop being blind.


Let there be no un-imagination,

in the way we run life,

at the moment; it seems that our nature,

is to smile, whilst holding a knife.


By repeating our imperfection,

we have become our own horseman,

something that could be beauty,

we’ve selfishly made gruesome.


I try to find some love,

but a talking monkey’s the only choice,

is it of any wonder I choose,

to listen to my inward nasty voice.


Thus, a question, I will ask myself,

am I fed up of being left behind?

if so, stop building a one man cell,

that no-one can unbind.