
One drink down

One drink down

One drink down on a rainy day and six more days to go.


I knew well the sighs and smells 

of a springtime loving her.

Her openness warmed every part 

             of the lovers that we were               


But come the fall it was then it all began to fall apart.


When her wandering soul told her to go

she left what we’d begun

chilling my heart, my soul

and left me lying, broken and undone.


So, it’s


One drink down on a rainy day and five more days to go.


I gave her the ring and everything 

my heart, my mind, my soul. 

Now, their broken, lost, and burned

and I got no place to go.


It was the fall when it all began to fall apart.


So, it\'s 


One drink down on a rainy day and four more days to go.


Years later, on a summer day, I saw her again 

walking the shore alone.

I caught her up and said hello.

Her eyes were bruised, her nose was bloody.

I asked if she needed help

and if I could walk with her?

She laughed out loud and said, “Hell No!”


So, it’s


One drink down on a rainy day and three more days to go.


The very next day I saw her again.

“Well, how about I buy you a drink then?”

I said, thinking that might work

but she laughed out loud and slurred

“What ah you, some kinda jerk?”


So, it’s 


One drink down on a rainy day and two more days to go.


Now, I’m alone on this wintery day

and I wonder about her life.

What ever happened to the sweet young girl

I thought would be my wife?


So, it’s


One drink down on a rainy day and one more day to go.


I read about her passing in the morning paper.

Seems she died from a head injury in a fall.

It didn’t mention any family.

It simply said she fell 

while engaged in a barroom brawl.


Well, it’s one drink down… and I think it’ll be my last…. forever.