
The Thoughtful Land


Pen and paper

Songs of birds

Head to writing

Thoughts to words


To a land far away

Sleeping on a pillow

Waking up to dreams as you lay

The flow of it all

The magic that’s revealed

Accept there is one

It’s hidden and sealed

No ones searching for treasure

No ones looking for answers

Just one blink at a time

A taste of pleasure

How? You may ask?

No answer for you

But why? You may ask?

Silence will do

For not to know is to know a lot

To speak with your ears

Is understanding not

The twist and the turns that confuse you a bit

Will eventually straighten out and your path you get

Because this is life and life is a gift

That you won’t truly appreciate until you sift

Sift through the mud, the rocks, and the sand

Things we walk by that we feel are so bland

Without so much as a glance to the left or right

They are non existent in our sight

So obtain all you can

Soak in its essence

Lather up good now

Sunscreen in its presence

Shades, not glasses, for its too bright

Grasp all you can before it’s night