
Dear Editor

I’m looking for a way to fill my purse

Dear Editor, accept any verse

For the W.P.B. , its just not meant

So be courteous, and act like a gent


You ask for articles and proems galore

Relating to this age or some folk-lore

But when I send in my contribution

You send me a slip of sad rejection


You say that my poems are indeed quite good

Though I should improve if I could

Hopefully I send you a better verse

But ! oh ! your regrets are verse than a curse


I, implore you, dear sir, to take pity on my plight

And, pay attention, though it may be slight

By this you’ll win my gratitude now and forever

And I’ll regard you as both benevolent and clever


Famous celebrities will always be there

Their contribution will be accepted any and everywhere

But we, becoming famous, is something quite rare

For you see, dear sir, we’re birds of the air


So, once again, I plead with you to be kind

And keep this matter foremost in your mind

Dear Editor, please do accept my verse

And make me a ‘regular’ for better or for worse