
Mad Musings With Fido

Oohh, something from Fido today

Here he is again!


Woof, woof! he says to me

The only danger of any \'hotness\' for you my lad

Is that of the hot weather


There won\'t be any \'excitement\' for you

And I will have to check out

Every reference to \'love\' in any poems

In case you get too frisky

Frisky? Swoon!


I\'m standing by

With buckets of cold water

To chuck over you

They\'ve allowed me buckets

In area of drought

Cos they say\'s it vital

I chuck \'em over ya

In case ya get too \'hot\'

And I don\'t mean Summer heat in this case!


Oh, do shut up sometimes, Fido (lol)

I will put you out the back garden

And have all the \'hotness\' I want

For a while anyway

Though it may not do me much good

Will I only swoon?! 
