Gray C

Walking with the Devil and an Angel

Walking with the Devil and an Angel 

Walking with the devil and an angel 

Devil keeps you sweet 

Angel tells the truth

Been a long time since I walked on my own, being unsure of how I feel.

I\'m always chatting with these two friends of mine

They’re my constant companions

Craving attention, always wanting to talk

One tells me what I like, the other what I need

I don’t think that they have ever agreed on anything

We walk together, sit down, have a rest

Share a coffee, relax, listen to music

At work, at rest, at play, we’re always together

Never seperated, each knowing the others thoughts

There came a time when I had to make a choice 

“ Who will be my best friend?”, I asked 

Satan replied, “I will give you everything you desire”,

The Angel’s response, “I will give you honesty”