
Keith Nichols.

What a wonderful day!

Into the theatre we walked,

Found our seats and listened,

Listened to some wonderful jazz.

The notes from the performers sailed,

Sailed into my heart

As they played

All day and into the night.

I was there,

There listening to many types of jazz

Played by six groups.

Yes is was hot in the theatre

But all were hooked on the sounds.

And then came the finale

When the tribute was played.

A big band played,

Played big band music,

And went into swing as well,

All as a tribute,

A tribute to Keith Nichols

Who meant so much to the players.

A man who cared,

Cared so much for the music,

The music I was hearing

Played by people who were influenced,

Influenced by Keith,

And were all the better for knowing,

Knowing Keith Nichols.

What a wonderful day!