Abdul Malik

That\'s just ME

Oh, you do not want to know my tale,

But since you insist, I guess I\'ll just tell,


Originally from mystical India -- not Rome!

Some 30 years ago made the USA my home,


I revere Jesus, Muhammad, Buddha, Krishna

But keep my faith in love, peace and karma,


I read Shakespeare, Longfellow, Poe, Keats,

Omar Khayyam, Frost, Tennyson and Yeats,


Besides poetry and movies, I love to love

Books, traveling and fair ladies in drove,


Sometimes I blow hot, sometimes cold

And venture out to buy stuffs already sold,


I am like Don Quixote, at times, Rip Van Winkle

Sometimes Ebenezer Scrooge, at times Kris Kringle.


Balding, with a paunch, but I think young

There\'s not a passionate song I haven\'t sung,


Pensive, moody and mostly quiet

But when I talk, I usually am right,


Couldn\'t walk good with my bad knees

But I dance with butterflies and bees,


Purblind, yet I have seen places umpteen

I daydream a lot, you know what I mean?


Born in June, by nature I am sunny

And if I so wish, I can be quite funny,


But you wouldn\'t want to mess with me

I can be swift and lethal like Bruce Lee;


I am writing this jestfully but it\'s serious,

Ha now, don\'t go get nosy or too curious!