
Stop me if you\'ve heard this one before.

I guess I just start tapping my fingers on the keys until something forms.
A semblance of my ghost to rise again.
Some strung together hurricane of words that make me sound sad, but not too sad.

It seems like I\'ve spent years stepping backwards, without realizing this is where I\'d finally landed.
I hate this fucking version.

I stopped listening to myself, to get through loss after loss.
\"Just get through this part. Okay, now this part\".
But the \"parts\" never stopped happening. 

It\'s like I got stuck in my own anxiety ridden, Woe is me plot line.
Where the reader is flipping the pages backwards, and I keep living the same chapter over again.
No falling action, just rising action, rising action, RISING ACTION.

Heres to turning the page forward, and ending this piece of shit book once and for all.