
Too infinity

Stars in the sky what are you?,

People have ideas, I’ve got a few

Are you fallen kings like the lions say,

Are you spirits shining and glimmering away?


To me you are hope

And I don’t know what that means.

But for future kin,

I hope you are as Seems.


Our closest allies are so far away,

Our strongest friends we fight every day.

What will you bring and what will change?

Will we continue to battle or will we find a way.


For me I dream big and hope for the best,

That we can get along together and fight this test.

The world is imposing a serious tax,

For actions taken and worldly attacks.


Hope is the way and we can reunite,

We move onto new worlds and abandon the fight.

We must stop the hate and we will see

The endless possibilities of the galaxy


Do you hide new foe or maybe new friends

We must travel and see to make our mends

A planet ruined but millions to see

Let’s take care of the next ones so all can see


Lands of opportunity

And orbits of wealth

Clarity from obscurity

And answers to our health


Stay giving us hope

That in time we can

Achieve our dreams and

Reach for the stars

So long as we have hope the possibilities are ours