Robert Isaacs Chiwala

Why Me

Out of all these girls

Why have you chosen me?

It isn\'t funny I want to know

The deep motivation of your attention


Beauty is vain, a sign of lust

In years it cannot last

Meaning in meantime you shall left

Leaving me alone to mend my broken heart


Don\'t tell me about my glowing and tender skin

When I grow old I won\'t look the same

Will you still be there for me?

Don\'t say it aloud be afraid of jealousy sun


Don\'t tell me about my manners

Are you sure they are not feigned

To confuse all of you who seemed to care

Have you seen me in my private retreats?


Don\'t tell me about my heart

How come I don\'t feel it myself

Good or gentle are you pretty sure

Don\'t flatter humanity that is enough


Don\'t tell me about my face

Shining -that is a confusion of fancy

If you keep comparing you get carried away

There is none bad only confusion of faces


Don\'t talk about my body

What about my flat tummy?

It\'s natural but I\'m afraid of tomorrow

Do you know this beauty\'s remedy?