
Pursuing The Prize

Tune: Ratisbon

(\'Christ, whose glory fills the skies\')

Philippians 2 v.12-16 and 3 v.14


Work out your own salvation

Believers of each nation

For it is God who works in

You, empowers from within

To will and to do of His

Good pleasure, prosperous this


Do all things without grumbles

Not let be heard murmurings

Nor disputings, contentions

But serve the Lord, others bless

That you may be blameless here

Your witness to Christ appear


And harmless, as God\'s children

Without fault, innocent then

In the midst of a crooked

And perverse land, folk misled

Among whom you shine as lights

In the world, as radiant sights


Hold fast to God\'s word of life

Clarity through human strife

So to share, evangelise

Pressing onwards to high prize

Of the high calling of God

In Christ, He our path has trod