a thousand wishes

Writer\'s block

For my fellow writers,  



A blank paper and a pencil that\'s been sharpened a million times 

Lists of a thousand words and a hundred rhymes 

Thinking of writing from the heart but I\'m never sure of where mine is  

Don’t really know what to say, I guess I\'ll go with this - 



8:33 a.m. the sun has barely risen  

Still its light is shining so bright  

that its blocking my vision  

I can barely write a single word 


It\'s like my mind is against me  

Its locked can someone give me a key 

I\'m stuck and I don’t know how to be 


I pick up my pencil and write 


On the paper 

But I don’t even know why... 


I know I\'m not like others 

Getting high to write  

Just getting by, no fight 

But maybe I should be? 


Writer\'s block is damaging me 

My brain is sore from trying so hard to think 


I tell me, just breathe 

But in between all of the 


After I feel like I might buckle 

I stop and feel the world around me 

Am I free? 


My mind takes control of me

and as for words, they can finally be

more than just ideas on a blank page

inside my mind

My hand start writing uncontrollably

Guess all I had to do is breathe



Alright that\'s all for now guys,  



Stop and just breathe  

No stress, no anxiety 

Just breathe