Eric Konwar

Embrace \'The New\'

How do we know where to start?
The first stroke of a new piece of art,
Or does the starting point not matter?
Do we even need to start a new chapter?

A new era in this cursed life we live;
To let go of the past and start a new plot,
To look forward to what a new era will give,
Sounds better than being left to rot.

Letting go of anything is a hassle.
It’s hard to choose what to sacrifice,
Why sacrifice the pawn if you can castle?
But I can tell you now, it will not suffice!

When it is to let go there is no compromise,
New chapters are not what the old left behind.
The dinosaurs died so that mammals can rise,
Sacrificing a pawn can be sad but wise.

So climb a new mountain, and don’t look back.
Kick down some rocks and start a new stack.
Start with a bright color on your empty frame.
Everybody can use at least a little bit of change.