
Flourishing Favourably

Tune: Hanover

(\'O worship the King\')

Psalm 107 v.31-38


Peoples, come praise the Lord for His goodness

And for His wonderful works, He does bless

Let all exalt Him in the congregation

And all assembled out of every nation


He turns the rivers to a wilderness

And water-springs into dry ground, no less

Turns a fruitful land into waste, barrenness

For the wickedness of those there, we confess


But also turns wilderness into pools

And dry ground into water-springs, He calls

The hungry, that there they may dwell and prepare

A city to inhabit under His care


And that they may sow the fields, and plant there

Vineyards which may yield fruits so for to share

He blesses them greatly and they multiply

Prospers them so they then have ample supply