
The Soul of Snake Plissken

Through World War 3 he served in the military 
Special Forces Unit Black Flight
Completing undercover missions in the dead of night
Holding a code of honour
The police force sent his parents to the coroner
Betrayed by the Government
Ended up leading a life of crime
Caught eventually but everyone thinks he\'s dead
Doesn\'t speak much but listens to all that\'s said
Call him Snake
He won\'t kill you now but maybe later
He has a gun as big as an alligator 
Lost one eye in the Leningrad Ruse
Won\'t follow any orders you give him
He\'ll mainly refuse
If it\'s a fight with him and 10 men they probably gonna lose
Using martial arts skill, guns or pure will
Saving people who can\'t save themselves
In the end the tapes and cds get switched
Escaping New York and LA
Been through it all and never flinched