
Rain fall







…..It could rain from now till fall, I wish it could rain inside city hall, or at the over crowded mall, rain so hard the fire department won’t have to be called, rain until everything’s afloat and there’s no hope; the military won’t be able to cope, until it’s too deep for people to get their dope, even if they had rope and scope. They won’t be able to call on the pope, cause he’ll be floating by on his boat. Nope; Noah won’t be there to give instructions, to help us with our survival functions, and other human conjunctions. Everything would be under water, even the self destructive boarders; you wouldn’t have to protect your daughters, it would be a new world order. No city blocks, no cops, too much distance for anyone to get the drop, cause everyone is floating on top.  No buses, trains or air planes; no land, no country, no cars, no bars. No sports arenas; yeah, that would make us wish we kept it greener.