
Hey snooty lady

Hey snooty lady –

nose in the air

Foundation on face,

Gel in the hair

You do not want

To share the lift with others

Unless they are your own

Real blood brothers..

When we invite you

You turn away your face

Are we untouchables

Much beneath your race??

Now you are young

One day you will age

You may stick out your tongue

But Fate will steal a page

What is it

Tell me

That annoys you so

Are the others stinking

Or you think they are low?

Why do you shun

The folks in the lobby

Are you scared of Covid

Or is aloofness a hobby..

Is it they do not match your passion

To be always dressed in the latest fashion

Are they too small

Or are you too big

They eat simple food

While you chomp on a fig…

You share on facebook

Your various NGOs

To celebrate your generosity

You strike a lovely pose

A day will come though

When You will find you need

All those whom you shun..

When you start hobbling

And can no longer run

You’ll reach out to them then

In sorrow and despair

But none around you

May ask you how you fare

So land down now on earth

Don’t fly up in the air

Give and you shall get

Learn to share and care