Femipeadia stories

Are you still a friend or a trend

Are you still a Friend or a trend?
Do I need to ply a fence
Because I want to see my friend?
With my pen being mend
I blabled with a grin face
With my bench being bent
I startled with a green gaze
Thus, I remembered of his demeaning act
With my strength being wrenched
Because, I manoivoured his Humiliating past
The British pretty Sussex metted a Golden wind
The Scottish city princess visited with a Golden ring
My unfolish sweety Hahzed provided a molden milk
My pierced heart has forgotten
Just like a blue litmus paper that turns red
My distressed part is enliven
Just like the yellow litmus paper turning green
As I am embroiden in his love
But my pen has written
As I have forgotten
His fence isn\'t forbidden
It\'s part of my untold stories
He has once be a butterfly
Who beautify my world
He can still be a dragon fly
That will dignify my world
Are you still my Friend?