
Why we cry







….life is still life, pain is still pain, no matter what we gain, the pain exceeds the tears, fears and scares; cry and everything remains the same, even if our tears find someone to blame. There’s no shame in this game, because the tears come after the pain regardless of any gain, tears can’t be tamed, they’ll just fall inward until we go insane.  We should feel disdain, because so much focus has been aimed at the tears instead of the true blame, life is like a great-dane, it will bark until we take aim; no matter how great, our tears are too little to put out life’s flames. Life doesn’t care if you cry blood, it’s your turn to pass the jug; you get no hugs, you have to work out the bugs, before you’re in the ground feeding the slugs. Tears don’t stop life’s pain nor do they increase the gain.