
losing my touch

four weeks ago 

I won a prize

for my poems 

and with shining eyes


I sat down at my desk

like I usually do

and searched inside 

for something new


I\'m tired of writing

the same old things

I want to break out

and unfurl my wings


But when I try to write my mind

the walls all go up

I\'m so used to shielding 

can\'t refill my cup


where did it go? 

am I losing my touch?

since straying from the norm

do I not write as much?


but even though 

it\'s nothing you can see

in the middle of the night

I still write my dreams


I guess it\'s a good thing

I don\'t have to write 

don\'t worry anymore

in the middle of the night


am I losing my touch?

or just moving on? 

is it bad that I\'m afraid

my gift is soon gone?