
My throat is stuck

When my throat gets stuck and I can’t say what I want

When I see misunderstandings lay out in third person and can’t refute because my throat is stuck

When I want to say I’m trying, I say nothing because my throat is stuck

When I want to tell you I have never resented

I only blamed myself and hated myself

I regret as I do not say

I do not say so I do not regret

I feel bad for feeling

I feel guilty

I feel I should not feel the way I do because you are not

I feel dramatic for articulating, but I’m suffocating


I watch in third person

I watch another play today


I don’t know what to do

My throat is stuck

So I can’t say what I want

Because my throat is stuck


I feel sorry for what is unsaid

I feel sorry for it will be unsaid

I feel guilty as I feel cold

As very little changes

My throat is stuck