
Courtesy Google, I learned Dynata...mite!

Constitutes the world’s largest

first-party data platform

for insights, activation and measurement


Earlier today August 28th, 2022,

a representative from aforementioned

market research company

fielded political questions to yours truly.


The young lady at other end of telephone

(little baby crying
accompanied the background)

peppered me with salty queries;
I replied with personal feedback.


Such inquiries got me thinking

about countdown to 2022 midterm elections...

from August 28th, 2022 at 4:59 PM


Above identified important date

when voters go to polls

10 weeks, 1 day, 8 hours away.


Nast T. contrived Pachyderm(s)

spar against Equus asinus,

the former issuing trumpeting sounds

emulating courtesy jabbing a loose tusk

The Art of the Deal” hip hip hooray

truckling tutored toadying troopers

signaling viz unfurling trunk hated votes

will finagle, snaggle, wrangle...

hook and crook to get their way

Don auld (hold) hate inside,

nor unroll your red carpet, cuz...
January 20th, 2025 trumpets,
return of the native (hardy) son

with pen sieve (my cull) word play,

when truculence becomes fashionable again yay!


Tipping the scales and approximately weigh

ying two hundred and fifty pounds

courtesy chowing down McDonald\'s

fish delight specially cooked up today

er... rather bare\'n his teeth on Sunday,

when said Golden Arches patron

hungrily wolfs down favorite meal,

a valuable selling point

fast food giant could portray.


In truth, yours truly a liberal Democrat

with humorous zing

double entendres ahead

look out when cross xing

into pun one mock two zone,

I gently ply hitting

left field homers courtesy upswing
titillating madding crowd

generating suspense pulse quickening

political kibitizing more left-wing

versus common joe

biden his time crafting moderate

reasonable rhyme fulfilling

personal literary quest.


Two plus months hence...

government of the people,

by the people,

for the people,

will perish from the earth

unless voters choose wisely

when the 2022 United States elections

held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022.


During upcoming midterm election year,

all 435 seats in the House of Representatives

and 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate

36 gubernatorial seats

27 secretary of state seats

and 30 attorney general seats

will be contested. ...

other statewide elected offices include

lieutenant governor, auditor,

controller and/or treasurer and more.


This will be the first election affected

by redistricting that followed 2020 census.


All kidding aside yours truly

would sooner groom Frankenstein\'s bride

to occupy Oval Office versus

tawdry, raunchy, randy, and paunchy narcissist

otherwise referencing forty fifth president

of United States a bonafide and certified


threat to democracy, a sore loser who decried

outcome of two thousand twenty election

razor thin winning margin courtesy blue party

electoral college elucidation edified

although squabble ensued electorate fortified,

nevertheless elephant in the room glorified

present day divisiveness

impossible mission to hide.