
What you going to do about that?


Oh! He exclaimed did I hear that right?

You gone and got yourself in a bit of fight

Well that don’t sound so good or right

So what you going to do about that?


No ! He said, you can’t run away

Worst thing you can do at the end of the day

Them bad boys ain’t gonna see it that way

So what you gonna do about that?


What! He cried do you think your doing?

Them criminals gonna be your ruin

They’ll cook you up like their barbecuing

So what you gonna do about that!


Hide! What, Do you think your clever?

Do you think you can hide forever?

Them will peel your hide like it’s made of leather

What you gonna do about that?


You what! Actually that’s a good idea

That will teach them boys a bit of fear

She will send them off with a flea in their ear

your mum will knock those suckers flat!
