A.B. Jakobs

The one inane tongue

Tell me of which terrors you may have seen

Or what cataclysmic din in your head has rung

Staring at me with the eyes of the unforeseen

And pathetically rambling in an inane tongue 

That can never deduce its true intents


In the blackening billows that all embower

Scorched skies, across faded horizons

Where black holes live and suns die 

A telescope in hand, on the devil i spy 

Abstaining my inhibition to falter and cower


A gaping maw of the infinite dark 

Stellar architraves hold the crumbling aether

Whence ominous hues paint on spherical canvas 

The reverberating beat of its maddening heart

All awaits man when from his id will depart 


He told to his peers of what he heard and what he saw

But was met with laughter, a sickening caw

For of what he said, is what i dread 

When a man speaks of horrors so far-flung

His only emissary is his inane tongue

