

You fulfill me, your love healed me
At the start of 9 months I didn’t know what this could be
With you growing inside of me
Made our souls connect and as you developed so did the cord that connects
you to me and helps me give you life
But you gave me life
Everytime that you smile
I try to make these moments worthwhile
You’re apart of me, on your face I can see
I can’t wait to witness the man you will grow to be
with your fathers direction and my affection
you will learn many lessons
I felt every part of you come out into this world
My heart spun for you like the swirl in your curls
As you were pressed against my chest
I felt nothing left
You took every breath
You are my pride & Joy
the only type of happiness this world can’t destroy
At that moment my hope of finding love came true
When I met you
I was fulfilled.