Mazi Chukwuemeka Muoneke


The Croc was in active service
To his father\'s land,
So healthy and hearty
With promising future.

Before the demonic conspiracy
He was the man of the people 
Many can testify, 
Ekwensu has orchestrated this. 

In his room they came, 
Gang of blood sucking disciples
With sticks, woods and irons 
Their weapons of his transition. 
Though half dead,
Heaven tries to intervene 
But the brain is weak to live 
Who are these religious marauders? 

Samaila has gone home, 
But his spirit man is wandering the earth, 
His heart cries for vengeance
His blood will visit the culprits. 

The culprits might seem unknown 
But each will pay with their breath
Karma will fish them out,
And pay them in their coin. 

Gindin-Dorowa is bereaved 
Sons and daughters in ashes 
Mourning a dear son and brother, 
Who exited the earth untimely.