
Salvation Surety

Tune: St Hugh

(\'Lord, it belongs not to my care\')

Psalm 3


Lord, how are they that increased do

Trouble me, it is true

Many do rise up against me

And speak against me free


They say, for him there no help be

In God, they do agree

But you, Lord, to me are a shield

To your ways I shall yield


You my glory, you lift my head

When all seems lost and dead

Your raise me up from downcast state

Your help to me not late


I cried to the Lord with my voice

For help, He be my choice

he heard me from His holy hill

And came to my aid still


I slept peacefully, then awaked

Of sweet rest had partaked

For the Lord sustained me, my head

Was not with fear-thoughts fed


I will not fear, though many may

Surround me in my day

I shall say, Arise, Lord, save me

From every enemy


For the Lord, He shall with them deal

Who seek my peace to steal

Salvation to the Lord belongs

His blessings our theme-songs