Kiaan Moopanar



Your heart is dancing

To the beat of drums

Your arms are flailing joyously

To the sound of the Music

The sound seems to rush into you

And take control of your body

Forcing you to swing your arms and tap your feet

From side




To side

You have no control

No matter how hard you may try

The smile on your face

And the beating in your heart

Will not stop

Let it take control of you

From side


To side

From the harmonious strumming of the guitar

To the sharp and crisp sounds of the piano

And the powerful voice

That seems to pierce your heart

As if it was the only thing keeping it beating

And gives you life

From side


To side

The sun is far gone

And you wish it would never rise

As you look up

It’s as if even the night is swaying

It’s as if in this moment

The whole world is dancing with you

From side


To side

You hope the bliss in your ears

That sprints to your heart

That takes hold

Never ends

That all this joy

Never fades away

From side


The music stops

To side

From side

The air is silent

To side

But still, you dance

From side

To side

A smile that will never fade

And a heart that will never stop beating


For just a moment

For a fleeting moment

As you move


From side

To side