

No, wait.  Don\'t go

Just breathe

I wish I could say I didn\'t know

But for months I did know

So why is it, Dad

That looking down at you now

It\'s like a conjurer\'s illusion?

You\'ll open your eyes

You\'ll breathe, just breathe

But there can be no confusion

This is your final sleep

Rage, guilt, grief all seethe


Baby\'s bright eyes looking up at us

The hand of fate played its part

Made this boy wait to start

His journey here on Earth

Dad, some may say you missed each other

But somewhere, you met this boy

And you smiled at him

Blessing him with your self-same joy


Beautiful boy, precious gift

He\'s here with us now

This is no conjurer\'s illusion

Faulkner\'s conclusion

\"Nothing matters but breath.


To know and to be alive.\"

The fragility of life

Beautiful boy, precious gift

Breathe, breathe.  Just breathe

And there will be life