PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

Snail Mail

I originally posted this some 5 years ago under my Pseudonym WriteBeLight. The video is slightly different.

Envision a snail sliding, slow as molasses.
Tic toc the time, methodically passes.
Before my lap top I still sit hoping.
The file I clicked would quickly open.

My screen I stare with a long gape.
Open, you file, NOW for God\'s Sake!
Get up, stretch, leave my lap top for a minute.
File still not open, still not finished.

The pointer, now a circle forever turning.
I sit here pleading, silently yearning.
If I leave and go take a lunch.
Return, file\'s open, just a dumb hunch?

Distracted by a ring tone, hear it ding dong.
I scream out loud, Why is this taking so long?
The only thing left, my predicament to suit.
Log off. Shut Down. Push button. Reboot.