
To Live All Alone

“To Live All Alone”

(Tom Entrican, 9/1/22)


What it must be like to live all alone

On an island that no map has seen

Where no one can find it, not even a drone

All hidden in a forest of green


No political lore, no special reports

That causes the stomach to pain

Just boxes of tunes and books galore

And hobbies to help keep you sane


Oh, what it must be like to live all alone

Not one yapping person in sight

No dreading a visit to your hidden dome

Ensuring a long peaceful night


And if you get lonely, perhaps you might

Look around to see what you find

A finch, a squirrel, or a pig that won’t bite

Will help you to not lose your mind


I wonder what it’s like to live all alone

No girls to break a boy’s heart

Or mind crushing sounds causing souls to moan

And promises that get torn apart


Perhaps to have thoughts not mired in pain

From a world that guarantees naught

When you are alone there is nothing to gain

And never a sorrow is caught


How grand it must be to live all alone

Where no one cares what you may think

Greens from the yard cooked with a soup bone

“Cause what this world offers just stinks


When the end nears and my mind has gone blank

And all whom I knew have long gone

For I was not missed, and I did not partake

As I spent my whole life all alone