
A Girl who Defied Ordinary....

The heroine of this beautiful story

is a girl who defied ordinary,

She was a bright idea of self-reliance

one that defined the word defiance.


It is immaterial that she was pretty,

inspiration was beyond physical beauty.

The glow of an idea that was in her action,

and that created a halo of attraction.


She left that persona one season,

I tried but couldn’t fathom any reason.

drifting slowly away from the singularity,

to a beaten path that had familiarity.


She is the theme of the poems I create

on whom my thoughts concentrate,

I am  unable to find that inspiration,

the idea of freedom and its celebration.


Having her former version in my mind,

she is still bright, inspirational and kind.

This image is a reflection of originality,

 that needs an update from its reality.


That\'s why we meet, talk and interact

to assimilate that subject, we introspect.

For the ideas that we live, learn and explore

illusions don’t sustain anyhow, anymore.


without reality, the idea becomes an illusion

and cognition slowly casts away that delusion.

the touch of reality creates a fairway,

without that she’ll gradually fade away.


A thought which gives life more clarity,

in essence, refers to the word ‘spirituality’.

A life which hinges on higher wisdom,

offers love, truth, learning and freedom.


It is not an illusion or attachment,

or calls for a bond or covenant.

It offers natural loyalty to a person

who inspires our thoughts for a reason.


It is voluntary, there is nothing to obey,

Everyone is free even to drift away.

One can always steer a new course.

without the fear of penalty or remorse.