PoetVids - I am WriteBeLight only in Video Version :)

Arm Wrestle

I originally posted this some 5 years ago under my Pseudonym WriteBeLight. The video is slightly different.

I\'m stuck in an arm wrestle,
With the Opposite of me.
This person\'s wasteful, frivolous,
I\'m a frugal worker bee.

I rather get good sleep,
But, Opposite, she just might,
Try hard and convince me,
It\'s fun to stay out all night.

I like to eat leafy salads,
Lo-cal dressing, no doubt.
Her, a big juicy steak bomb,
And, \"Side of fries,\" she shouts.

I like to buckle down,
Keep my ducks in a row.
Opposite\'s wild and crazy,
Doesn\'t know the meaning of \"NO!\"

Get together at a pub,
Just an appetizer, go light.
Opposite wants Prime Rib,
With béarnaise on the side.

I get out of the house,
Want fresh air in my lungs.
Opposite\'s sprawled on the sofa,
Off to the side, her legs hung.

Looking forward to one,
Very productive day.
Opposite plays hooky,
In bed sleeping, her way.

My arm\'s getting weary,
Opposite may win over me.
But, I call upon Will Power,
Of that stuff, dude\'s got plenty.