
Miles Between Us

Days without you just seem to go on

But the ache in my heart is never gone

It’s never eased or pleased with whatever I do

It’s not a need

But a desire so deep

A want for you

Just to be with me

I miss the sound of your voice

The smile across your face

The shine in your eyes

When you wrap me in your embrace

I don’t want to lose sight of what we have shared

I turn to our pictures, not a memory spared

The smell of your shirt reassures me you are real

That you are still there and the longing is just the love that I feel

The anguish in my heart isn’t from sorrow or pain

But a feeling of uncertainty and a reassurance I cannot attain

I yearn for the day of your return back to me

The day my heart is released from the clench of your absence and is set free

The day I can feel the softness of your lips pressed against mine

The day distance is no longer a barrier and all we have is time.