
Finding a discarded lens

There are many ways of looking at a single situation.

Many moves after a moment.

Just as there many approaches to life.

There is nothing wrong with being different.

In this way, we may see the same thing, but understand it in new ways.


It is an interesting facet,

Things that are other.

Where even stones are not without reflection.


Take a kernel of truth,

A nugget of pure, perfection undoubtedly real.

A law set in reality by the universe itself.



Somewhere, will deny its authenticity.

It’s not real, not true, incorrect.

I don’t like it, they’ll say.

It\'s not for me,

I\'ll let it be.


How can a fact, a law,

A universal truth among all,

Be accepted or rejected?


Brought inward,

Or left to its own devices.


I ask a different question.

When an atrocity occurs that would shatter your worldview,

Do you acknowledge it?

Or do reject it in shame, refuse to acknowledge,

That your way of life is broken?


How does the lens through which you live,

Distort what life you see?

Why do we only see as truth,

That which our lens allows us to see?


Our purpose for living,

If confronted with confliction,

Refuses to accept change.

To reject the self,

Or to reject reality?

What a magnificent decision.


Our lenses are constantly shifting.

Changing readily based on new information.

Being shaped by our surroundings, frame of mind, desires.

Falling like water on an endless forest.


And unfortunately,

Or perhaps fortuitously,

Find ourselves halted.  


You must understand what your lens refuses to show you. 

Many of us have forgotten how to change our lenses.

To look from the eyes of another perspective.


This is easier said than done, since your lens is you.

Complete trust in the other.

Complete only when forgetting your name.

After all is said and done.


You can change.

Ask yourself.

What truth do you know?

Do you block out things you know to be true?

Through what lens do you view life?

Examine that lens.

And see beyond it.