
Devils bride revisited

I introduced this lady in my poem Devils bride and immediately fell under her spell! So I thought I would expand on it!

She haunts the city and she rules the night
She steps from the shadows as they chase off daylight
Dark creatures surround her and answer her call
She’s the duchess of darkness and rules them all
She’s a killer, a lover, dressed in black lingerie
She’s the bride of the devil and men are her prey

She’s walked this world since the days of inception
A mistress of death and glorious deception
Men pale at her beauty and fall for her lies
Sell her their souls just to look in her eyes
She takes all that they offer then will betray
She’s the bride of the devil and men are her prey

She’s older than time but as young as required
She is as cold as ice but as hot as desired
Her grace and her beauty is without parallel
She dines on despair and she likes to dine well
She’s a dream and a queen who makes her own way
She’s a bride of the devil and you are her prey…

Men have lusted for her since the beginning of time
Thinking such beauty could only be divine
Over time immemorial she has woven her spell
Despatching such suitors to her master in hell
She delights in destruction and desires our dismay
She’s the bride of the devil and we all are her prey
