
Green King Charles 3rd !

That green lion could be a caricature
Insignia of our new King Charles the third
With Queen Consort Camilla beside to purr
His thoughts on all things green often seemed absurd.

These idea\'s accepted now as quite right
Tree hug\'s, talking to plants natural OK
Are now deemed and both are seen to be quite bright
With our new Monarch, blessing, things seem au fait.

If the leaders of the world accepts his views
Stop our pollution crisis, and act as one
To give our planet earth sound fantastic news
Show the world with unity what can be done.

We will not correct our mistakes over night
But by cutting down emissions day by day
Start putting things together to help make right
Just pollute our world less each and every day

Let\'s hope our new King can make that difference
Though his reign won\'t be anything like as long
As his Mother\'s, but with his long term defence
Of Earth and all things green, we will sing his song

\" God save our gracious King,\"