Alice Ip

That Day In New York City

It was a beautiful morning.
Just a regular morning it was.
Hustling and bustling just like normal.
Overly crowded in the streets.
Just another day in New York City. 

People strolled to their workplaces.
Just in their normal routine.
Kids were being driven to school. 
It was September 11, 2001.
Just another day in New York City.

It was 8:46 AM,
when the world seemed to settle a bit.
All of a sudden, the first plane came.
Right into the North Tower of the WTC.
Such another day in New York City.

People gasped, screamed, and cried.
Their face white in horror,
knowing loved ones were in there.
Many that needed help or died.
What another day in New York City.

It was 9:02 AM, with people everywhere.
Then, out of the clouds, came the second plane,
straight into the South Tower of the WTC.
More people were struck with fright.
What another day in New York City.

Many crowds gathered around,
so scared for dear life. 
First responders and news reporters arrived.
Firemen and policemen went into the building.
What a frightening day in New York City.

People stood in awe of what was a peaceful morning,
turning into a day of mourning. 
It was 9:59 AM, and the South tower collapsed.
There was dust and smoke in the air. 
What a dark day in New York City.

As the dust in the air stole the oxygen,
people couldn’t breathe, trying to run away.
Many people quickly entered buildings.
So much panic entered people’s minds.
What a scary day in New York City.

Families gathered together to watch the news.
Schools put on hold to watch the disaster.
People praying and weeping,
hoping for something to get better. 
What a hopeless day in New York City.

It was 10:28 AM,
with people afraid and tired.
So many lives on the line,
when suddenly the North Tower collapsed.
What a hopeless day in New York City.

More shouting and sobbing filled the streets.
It was like a living nightmare, happening with no warning.
It was 12:30 PM, and everyone was,
still racing around but slowly calming down. 
What an apprehensive day in New York City.

It was 8:00 PM at night,
Which everyone could call a day of grief and remembrance. 
This day is remembered worldwide,
what we call 9/11,
That unforgettable day in New York City.