Doggerel Dave

A Right Royal......

Oh please just put me out with the garbage -

My carcass I mean, after I’ve carked it.

I\'ve just taken a trip to who knows where…

(Likely nowhere) – and I won’t mind one bit.


I’m not up for a religious debate;

Just accept at that point I am not there.

No funeral please, no “Alas poor Dave” -

Live - absent yourself from nonsense so drear.


Now why have I thrown this thing together?

Her Maj’s demise has silenced world news,

And all day and every day I suffer -

Pomp and circumstance push me to the booze.


Here my tissue is not allowed for use -

I lived in UK when mad cow was rife.

This disqualifies me from a donation;

No chance to be useful at end of life.


I try hard not to make a connection

Between mad cow disease and those mourners,

But I tell you, here in Australia

We are also a bunch of conformers.